Engineering and Public Policy
The kind of person who makes technology work for society will fit right in here.

"I am so grateful for the research opportunities at CMU. From designing and building a wave tank as part of a self directed undergraduate proposal to joining with a professor to publish original work on social distancing, I have learned just as much from research as I have in the classroom."
College of Engineering
Engineering and Public Policy
The Department of Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) teaches you to understand and work at the intersection of science, technology and society. Crafting effective policy in domains as diverse as climate change, misinformation, national security, artificial intelligence, disaster response, privacy and critical infrastructure requires expertise that spans technical and social science fields. As an Engineering and Public Policy student, you'll develop the skills in policy analysis, risk assessment, data science and decision-making needed to solve today’s complex problems in business, government and nonprofits across the globe. You’ll graduate prepared to be a better, more socially responsible engineer.
Class of 2023, Six Months After Graduation
** Data reflects grads with Engineering and Public Policy as secondary major
Employed or in Grad School
Average Salary
Recent Employers
Jane Street
Naval Nuclear Laboratory
High School Course Requirements
*Four years of mathematics should include at least algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions (pre-calculus) and preferably calculus. Advanced mathematics courses are encouraged, especially a course in calculus.

Mix It Up
You’re not just one thing. You’re a scientist. An artist. A technologist. A maker. A writer. Carnegie Mellon has been mixing it up for decades, and whatever you want to pursue, we’ve got the right mix for you.